报告题目:NeuroIMAGE: findings from a large prospective case-control study
报告人:Jan Buitelaar 教授
时间:2024年4月23日09:50- 10:50
报告人简介:Jan Buitelaar是荷兰奈梅亨大学医学中心儿童青少年精神病学教授,欧洲科学院院士, ADHD世界联合会副主席,荷兰狮骑士勋章获得者。他的主要研究兴趣在于结合药理学、认知过程、基因和神经影像等视角,探究神经精神障碍的发病机理,包括注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)、自闭症、冲动和攻击等。此外,他目前的研究重点是转化研究,旨在通过将临床前模型与人类神经影像遗传学研究相匹配,识别ADHD和自闭症的新的分子靶标。他的研究得到了众多高级别项目的资助,包括欧盟、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)以及荷兰医学研究委员会等。Jan共发表了1050多篇科学论文,包括Lancet、JAMA Psychiatry、Biological Psychiatry、American Journal of Psychiatry等顶级期刊;论文被引用超过50,000次,位列全球被引次数最多的1%之列。荣获2022年欧洲多动症网络Eunethydis终身成就奖、2023年国际自闭症研究协会终身成就奖等重要奖项。
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a persistent neuropsychiatric disorder which is associated with impairments on a variety of cognitive measures and abnormalities in structural and functional brain measures. Genetic factors are thought to play an important role in the etiology of ADHD. The NeuroIMAGE study is a follow-up of the Dutch part of the International Multicenter ADHD Genetics (IMAGE) project. It is a multi-site prospective cohort study designed to investigate the course of ADHD, its genetic and environmental determinants, its cognitive and neurobiological underpinnings, and its consequences in adolescence and adulthood. From the original 365 ADHD families and 148 control (CON) IMAGE families, consisting of 506 participants with an ADHD diagnosis, 350 unaffected siblings, and 283 healthy controls, 79 % participated in the NeuroIMAGE follow-up study. Combined with newly recruited participants the NeuroIMAGE study comprehends an assessment of 1,069 children (751 from ADHD families; 318 from CON families) and 848 parents (582 from ADHD families; 266 from CON families).
This presentation will provide a summary of the results from the NeuroIMAGE study and discuss the structural MRI, DTI, resting MRI, and task-related MRI (response inhibition task, reward anticipation tasks, and working memory task) findings. The analysis of the data odf the unaffected siblings allows modelling of shared familial influences on the ADHD phenotype.
报告题目:Disentangling associations between the Sensory Processing Sensitivity, ADHD and autistic traits
报告人:Corina Greven 教授
时间:2024年4月23日 11:00- 12:00
Corina Greven是荷兰奈梅亨大学医学中心教授,担任医学中心“环境敏感性”主席。她于2011年在伦敦国王学院获得发展精神病学博士学位。Greven教授的主要研究兴趣是环境刺激敏感性的个体差异,包括对负性刺激和正性刺激的高敏感性如何影响我们的健康和发展,以及如何通过正念训练来防止环境信息的过度刺激;感觉加工敏感性对精神障碍的影响,包括ADHD、ASD。Greven在国际高水平期刊发表系列研究成果,包括JAMA Psychiatry、Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry、Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews等。 她因在ADHD研究中的贡献而获得了多项科学奖,例如享有盛誉的Kramer-Pollnow年轻研究者奖。
报告摘要:Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) is a personality trait, reflecting inter-individual differences in how people perceive, process and respond to environmental information. Being observable in humans and animals, SPS is an evolutionarily-conserved and heritable trait. Despite its recognition in society, where SPS is often referred to as the Highly Sensitive Person, SPS has for a long time been a relatively niche topic in scientific research. However, the past years have witnessed a notable surge in scholarly interest, with a threefold increase in the number of publications on SPS over the past half-decade. This surge has prompted inquiries into the relationship between SPS and traits of neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism, with some members of the autistic community suggesting a connection between SPS and autism. Although SPS, ADHD, and autistic traits share characteristics such as heightened sensitivity to stimuli and susceptibility to overstimulation, there are also notable differences between them. This talk will provide an introduction to SPS, and explore the differences and overlaps between SPS, ADHD and autism based on the criteria outlined in DSM-5, the neurodiversity paradigm, and based on recent empirical findings in large population-based samples.
报告题目:How efficient is the ADHD brain? Results of task potency analyses
报告人:Jan Buitelaar 教授
时间:2024年4月24日 09:50- 10:50
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with altered functioning in multiple cognitive domains and neural networks. This presentation offers an overarching biological perspective across these. We applied a novel strategy that extracts functional connectivity modulations in the brain across one (Psingle), two (Pmix) or three (Pall) cognitive tasks and compared the pattern of modulations between participants with ADHD (n-89), unaffected siblings (n = 93) and controls (n = 84; total N = 266; age range = 8-27 years). Participants with ADHD had significantly fewer Pall connections (modulated regardless of task), but significantly more task-specific (Psingle) connectivity modulations than the other groups. The amplitude of these Psingle modulations was significantly higher in ADHD. Unaffected siblings showed a similar degree of Pall connectivity modulation as controls but a similar degree of Psingle connectivity modulation as ADHD probands. Pall connections were strongly reproducible at the individual level in controls, but showed marked heterogeneity in both participants with ADHD and unaffected siblings. The pattern of reduced task-generic and increased task-specific connectivity modulations in ADHD may be interpreted as reflecting a less efficient functional brain architecture due to a reduction in the ability to generalise processing pathways across multiple cognitive domains. The higher amplitude of unique task-specific connectivity modulations in ADHD may index a more "effortful" coping strategy. Unaffected siblings displayed a task connectivity profile in between that of controls and ADHD probands, supporting an endophenotype view. Our approach provides a new perspective on the core neural underpinnings of ADHD.
报告题目:Mindfulness-based intervention for families with ADHD
报告人:Corina Greven 教授
时间:2024年4月24日 11:00- 12:00
报告摘要:Mindfulness refers to the capacity to self-regulate attention to the present moment, with an attitude of non-judgment and curiosity. While mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are widely studied and considered evidence-based treatments for some psychiatric disorders, such as recurrent depression, research on MBIs for neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a relatively young field. Care-as-usual (CAU) for ADHD consists of psychoeducation in combination with (cognitive)behavioural therapy and/or medication. However, usual treatment is often insufficient and remaining symptoms and impairment persists; furthermore, many families are looking for alternative non-pharmacological treatments. Initial studies in youth with ADHD suggest that MBI may be a promising alternative, by improving self-control (e.g., inhibition, delay of gratification, planning) that is a key problem in ADHD. However, these pilot studies were based on small sample sizes and lacked a control group and/or randomisation. This talk will give an introduction to mindfulness-based interventions, its underlying mechanisms, as well as presenting recent results from a randomised-controlled trial comparing mindfulness-based intervention as an add-on to care-as-usual (CAU) for youth with ADHD (N=100; ages 8-16 years), with a control group (CAU only). Data from children, parents and school teachers were collected at baseline, endpoint, 2-months and 6-months (except teachers) follow-up. Data collection included assessments of child self-control, ADHD symptoms, co-occuring symptoms, and parental outcomes (e.g., parental self-control, parental well-being), using diagnostic interviews, neurocognitive testing and questionnaires. Furthermore, qualitative interviews were conducted investigating facilitator and barriers to participation and perceived effectiveness.