喻婧,太阳集团tyc5997教授,博士生导师。研究方向集中在老年心理学领域,目前研究主要包括睡眠及睡眠巩固性记忆受老化的影响,决策行为受正常老化和异常老化的影响机制,以及认知障碍老年人的早期识别。受邀担任中国康复医学会阿尔兹海默病与认知功能障碍康复专业委员会常务委员、中国心理学会老年心理专委会委员、重庆市医学会睡眠医学学组委员。目前担任《心理科学》编委,Frontiers in Psychology(Psychology and Aging section)副主编。于2018年入选重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划(青年拔尖人才)。
2019-至今 太阳集团tyc5997 教授,博士生导师
2018-2019 太阳集团tyc5997 教授(年限破格)
2014-2018 太阳集团tyc5997 副研究员,硕士生导师
2014-2015 瑞士巴塞尔大学心理系 访问学者
2012-2014 太阳集团tyc5997 讲师
2009-2012 中国科学院心理研究所 理学博士
2006-2009 北京大学 心理系 理学硕士
2002-2006 北京师范大学 心理学院 理学学士
Huan, S.Y., Xu, H. Z., Wang, R. & Yu, J.* (2022). The different roles of sleep on false memory formation between young and older adults. Psychological Research, 86: 443-451.
Xu, H. Z., Peng, X. R., Liu, Y. R., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2022). Sleep quality modulates the association between dynamic functional network connectivity and cognitive function in healthy older adults. Neuroscience, 480, 131-142.
Xu, H. Z., Xu, X. X., Xu, L., & Yu, J.* (2021) Age-related alterations of default mode network in autobiographical memory: Recent versus remote events. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 177, 107341.
Weng, Y. Y., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2020) Sleep spindle abnormalities related to Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic mini-review. Sleep Medicine, 75, 37-44.
Liu, X. Y., Peng, X. R., Peng, P., Li, L. L., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2020) The age differences of sleep disruption on mood states and memory performance. Aging & Mental Health, 24:9, 1444-1451.
Gui, W. J., Wang, P. Y., Lei, X., Lin, T., Horta, M., Liu, X. Y. & Yu, J.* (2019) Sleep facilitates consolidation of positive emotional memory in healthy older adults. Memory, 27(3), 387-396.
Sheng, J., Xie, C., Fan, D. Q., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2018) High definition-transcranial direct current stimulation changes older adults' subjective sleep and corresponding resting-state functional connectivity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 129, 1-8.
Liu, Y. R., Fan, D. Q., Gui, W. J., Long, Z. L., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2018) Sleep-related brain atrophy and disrupted functional connectivity in older adults. Behavioural Brain Research, 347, 292-299.
Gui, W. J., Li, H. J., Guo, Y. H., Peng, P., Lei, X., & Yu, J.* (2017). Age-related differences in sleep-based memory consolidation: A meta-analysis. Neuropsychologia, 97, 46-55.
Yu, J., Li, R., Jiang, Y., Broster, L.S., & Li, J. (2016). Altered brain activities associated with neural repetition effects in mild cognitive impairment patients. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 53(2), 693-704.
Yu, J., Su, T., Zhou, T., He, Y., Lu, J., Li, J., & He, R. (2014). Uric formaldehyde levels are negatively correlated with cognitive abilities in healthy older adults. Neuroscience Bulletin, 30(2), 172-184.
Yu, J., Li, J., & Huang, X. (2012). The Beijing version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment as a brief screening tool for mild cognitive impairment: A population-based study. BMC Psychiatry. 12:156.
Yu, J., Li, J., Cuijpers, P., Wu S., & Wu, Z. (2012). Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults: A population-based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 27(3): 305-312.
李妍,程竞暄,喻婧*. (2023). 老年人情景记忆更新的改变:竞争记忆的回溯性干扰. 心理学报, 55(1), 106-116.
樊东琼, 李锐, 雷旭, 喻婧*. (2016). 阿尔兹海默症及轻度认知障碍静息态大尺度脑网络功能连接的改变. 心理科学进展, 24(2), 217-227.
贵文君, 雷旭, 袁宏, 高东, 喻婧*. (2015). 老化对睡眠依赖性记忆巩固的影响. 心理科学进展, 23(9), 1568-1578.
喻婧*, 饶俪琳. (2014). 年老化对风险决策和模糊决策的影响:来自生理性和病理性老化的证据. 心理科学进展, 22(4), 668-676.